What is Math Fluency?

When you hear "math fluency," what does it mean? Fluency refers to the automatic recall of math facts. Your child begins kindergarten practicing number recognition in a variety of ways. As the years progress, children are learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide using various strategies. Once the strategies aren't needed any more and your child can quickly and accurately tell you the answer to a math fact, they are fluent! In the upper grades, things like muti-digit addition & subtraction, simplifying fractions, and larger multiplication and division problems are all ways to show fact fluency.

The games and activities on this page are just some of the many ways you can practice fact fluency with your child. There are many apps available to download for free. You can also practice fluency with real-world games and activities. Some ideas can be found here.

You can practice fact fluency in many different ways. The important thing is that your child spends some time at home practicing their facts in order to help with bigger concepts. Kids should have fun with fact practice and understand why they are learning their facts. It's something that they will carry with them as they move throughout the grade levels.


An easy, quick way for kids to practice their math facts. As a parent, you can easily track your child's progress throughout the year.

This site has tons of great games to practice math fluency. Look in the corner for the grade level.

Simple program where you can practice facts with a custom time limit.

This site contains tons of games at all levels that engage and challenge students to improve their fact fluency.

This game (by Greg Tang) is a great, simple introduction to number comparisons.

Another fun Greg Tang game where kids match numbers in different forms.

These are great because there is a built in timer and kids can test themselves at different levels. You also can choose from any operation or mix them up.

This game combines reading and math as kids try to quickly match vocabulary words to mathematical concepts.

Sudoku is a great way for kids to learn and practice number recognition and logical reasoning skills!