Season 1

June 22nd - June 26th, 2020

Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do

By: Andy Robert Davies

June 23rd, 2020 (English)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This week's book will be, "Clothesline Clues to Job People Do," by Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook. A riveting story about career exploration seen through the lens of the uniforms we wear.


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Rosa Pionera, Ingeniera

By: Andrea Beaty

June 24th, 2020 (Spanish)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

El Departamento de Career Readiness invita a nuestra familia de primaria a unirse a nosotros para el "Tiempo de Cuentos", nuestra nueva hora interactiva donde los estudiantes pueden participar en conceptos y conversaciones de carrera. Lecciones y actividades estarán disponibles para continuar la exploración en el hogar.

El libro de esta semana será "Rosa Pionera, Ingeniera" de Andrea Beaty. Rosie te atraerá a su imaginación mientras resuelve problemas urgentes en su mundo.


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When I Grow Up

By: Al Yankovic

June 25th, 2020 (English)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This week's book will be, "When I Grow Up," an exciting book written by Weird Al Yankovic. Follow Billy as he explores all the career possibilities in his imagination.


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June 29th - July 3rd, 2020

Rosie Revere, Engineer

By: Andrea Beaty

June 30th, 2020 (English)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This week's book will be, "Rosie Revere,Engineer" by Andrea Beaty. Rosie will pull you into her imagination as she problem solves pressing issues in her world.


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Pedro Perfecto, Arquitecto

By: Andrea Beaty

July 1st, 2020 (Spanish)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

El Departamento de Career Readiness invita a nuestra familia de primaria a unirse a nosotros para el "Tiempo de Cuentos", nuestra nueva hora interactiva donde los estudiantes pueden participar en conceptos y conversaciones listos para la carrera. Lecciones y actividades estarán disponibles para continuar la exploración en el hogar.

El libro de esta semana será "Pedro Perfect, Arquitecto" de Andrea Beaty. ¡Iggy está fascinada por el mundo del diseño! Ven y aprende con Iggy cómo la arquitectura trae belleza y funcionalidad a nuestro mundo.


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Iggy Peck, Architect

By: Andrea Beaty

July 2nd, 2020 (English)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This week's book will be, "Iggy Peck, Architect" by Andrea Beaty. Iggy is entranced by the world of design! Come and learn with Iggy how architecture brings beauty and function into our world.


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July 6th - July 10th, 2020

Sofia Valdez, Future Prez

By: Andrea Beaty

July 7th, 2020 (English)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This weeks book will be, "Sofia Valdez," by Andrea Beaty. Follow Sofia as she seeks to make the world a better place not just for her family but her community too.


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Sofia Valdez, Presidenta Tal Vez

By: Andrea Beaty

July 8th, 2020

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

El Departamento de Career Readiness invita a nuestra familia de primaria a unirse a nosotros para el "Tiempo de Cuentos", nuestra nueva hora interactiva donde los estudiantes pueden participar en conceptos y conversaciones listos para la carrera. Las lecciones y actividades estarán disponibles para continuar la exploración en el hogar.

El libro de esta semana será "Sofia Valdez, Presidenta Tal Vez", de Andrea Beaty. Siga a Sofía mientras busca hacer el mundo un lugar mejor no solo para su familia sino también para su comunidad.


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Ada Twist, Scientist

By: Andrea Beaty

July 9th, 2020

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This week's book will be, "Ada, Twist, Scientist" by Andrea Beaty. Join courageous Ada as she seeks answers to pressing questions through scientific processes and methods.


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July 14th - July 17th, 2020

What Do You Do With An Idea?

By: Andrea Beaty

July 14th, 2020 (English)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This week's book will be, "What To Do With An Idea" by Kobi Yamada. Learn the limitless possibilities an idea can inspire and bring it to fruition.


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Ada Magnifica, Cientifica

By: Andrea Beaty

July 15th, 2020

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

El Departamento de Career Readiness invita a nuestra familia de primaria a unirse a nosotros para el "Tiempo de Cuentos", nuestra nueva hora interactiva donde los estudiantes pueden participar en conceptos y conversaciones listos para la carrera. Las lecciones y actividades estarán disponibles para continuar la exploración en el hogar.

El libro de esta semana será "Sofia Valdez, Presidenta Tal Vez", de Andrea Beaty. Siga a Sofía mientras busca hacer el mundo un lugar mejor no solo para su familia sino también para su comunidad.


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What Do You Do With A Chance?

By: Andrea Beaty

July 16th, 2020

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Career Readiness Department invites our elementary family to join us for "Story Time," our new interactive hour where students can engage in Career Ready concepts and conversations. Lessons and activities will be available for continued at-home exploration.

This week's book will be, "Ada, Twist, Scientist" by Andrea Beaty. Join courageous Ada as she seeks answers to pressing questions through scientific processes and methods.


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