Women in STEM Club

Sponsor: Dr. Sossiena Demissie-Sanders, sdemissi@houstonisd.org

Instagram Handle: @bhs.wstem

Remind Code: @bhswstem (text to 81010)

Meeting Times: Thursdays during Red Block (monthly)

Meeting Location: 3608


Club Description:

Our club strives to promote the inclusion of women in STEM-related fields as we encourage more women to seek STEM opportunities. We do regular experiments during lunch to further our scientific knowledge and every month we choose a new topic such as astrophysics to educate ourselves on. The club also takes field trips to Rice University and science fairs for elementary students. We assist members with scholarship and STEM program applications and we also invite guest speakers to talk about their experience in the field.

Interest Form: https://forms.gle/aifEsFkkYTxRyci88

WISTEM Info Slides