Junior State of America (JSA)

 Sponsor: Ashley McDonald, ashley.mcdonald@houstonisd.org

Instagram Handle: 

Remind Code: @belljsa (text to 81010)

Meeting Times: one to two times a month on Thursdays

Meeting Location: 3711


Club Description:

Junior States of America (JSA) provides a platform that allows politically-interested students to share their ideas, while simultaneously encouraging students that are new to the political scene to gradually immerse themselves in a critical area of education. Another part of JSA outside of our school is conventions. These conventions have increasingly become popular, and house debates concerning a multitude of issues ranging from climate change to gun control, while having activities for students to converse with others from other schools and states. Beyond JSA’s mission, there are many local benefits that JSA can bring to the school. JSA allows like-minded individuals to convene, providing a comfortable environment for students to speak their minds, and find common ground with others.

JSA 2023-2024 Information