Expert Tips for Running for Weight Loss

Most of the people start running in order to shed pounds. It is a well known fact that if you want to lose weight, you should run. However, you should combine your running with Ketogenic Ultra Fast Keto Boost to gain maximum results from it. Scientific studies reveal that exercise is important for weight-loss but more important is the diet plan you follow while exercising.

As per Nutritional Experts, Running helps in burning calories and building up cardiovascular function in body. But, if you are targeting weight-loss, you have to take nutrients into consideration too.

Below are some tips and tricks found in Ultra Fast Keto Boost will help you in running based weight-loss strategy:

  1. Variation Based Running: As per Nutritional Experts, in order to use running as an effective tool for weight-loss, you have to mix some days with easy runs, some days with faster runs and some days with Intervals. You cannot repeat same runs for long and lose weight. You have to bring variation every few days to pump up your metabolic activity and increase muscle mass which will convert the fat into energy.
  2. Never Over-Do Running: As in point 1, you should mix running. You can’t go 5 straight days with faster tempo runs, it will eventually injure you. So, never over-do it. Always try to mix-up your runs to achieve highest possible results from running.
  3. Don’t Eat More After Running: When people run, they feel hunger due to burned calories. Our goal is to use the stored fat in the body as source of energy, so avoid eating more after running. If you can’t resist yourself from eating, you should run just before meal time so you don’t eat extra. If you still want to eat in order to gain energy, you can consume any fruit from our list of the best fruits for weight loss.
  4. Don’t load too much Carbs: Most of the runners do not know there calorie expenditure and intake. A 160 Pound Person need around 1500 to 2000 calories per day. If he is running for 60 minute run session, he spends around 600 calories. So, if you have eaten 1 bowl of cereal during breakfast, few sandwiches in lunch and pasta in dinner, you already got around 800 calories which is way more than what you spent in the running session. So, plan your carbs accordingly.
  5. Don’t take Alcohol / Beer Daily: Beer contain around 150 calorie per glass. So, if you drink 4 glass of beer, you already got 600 calorie which is sufficient for 60 minute running session. Add to it the calories you intake during breakfast, lunch and dinner and you are not loosing weight. So, keep the beer count low and take it once in a week with maximum cap of 2 drinks.
  6. Don’t Over-Do Health Fat: We do need dietary fat in order to shed pounds. If you are taking 2000 calories per day in diet, you need 40-60 pounds of dietary food however many runners take nuts, salads, avocado, etc. as source of dietary fat, and they take it in excess amount which is not good for weight-loss.
  7. Take Energy Drinks If Running More Than 60 Minutes: If you are running shorter runs between 30-60 minutes, you can fuel your body with water. But, if your run is more than 60 minutes, you can use electrolytes and sports drink to keep yourself hydrated and filled with energy.