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French and Spanish A-Level at Horsforth School

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MFL at Horsforth School

The study of another language enables students to learn about a variety of topics to broaden their cultural, social and political knowledge. In addition, it develops transferable skills which are essential and desirable in many careers.

Year 7


-develop presentational skills and learn how to prepare for a spoken presentation in the target language.

- consider and describe their positive and negative character traits in job interviews.

-can link their free-time interests to the world of work when considering career choices.

Year 8


-consider career opportunities in travel and tourism and acquire skills required in the tourism industry: promoting a town or city and transactional language in a restaurant.

-consider and discuss their own ambitions into the world of work

-develop written and verbal translation skills.

Year 9


-identify and discuss the traits of what it means to be a great team player.

-develop note taking skills when listening to a spoken text in the target language.

-develop a greater cultural awareness of Hispanic / Francophone / Chinese customs and festivals.

Year 10


-investigate charity and voluntary work linking to current social issues.

- develop confidence and resilience when answering questions in the target language using an appropriate formality of language.

-apply and manipulate higher level, sophisticated and complex language

Year 11


-talk about future career options and discuss university and apprenticeships.

- learn about the process of applying for jobs in the target language.

- consider and examine their ideal career.

Year 12

Students discuss:

- the role of the media – TV, film and music

- the importance of technology in everyday life.

- the role of volunteering and the impact that this has on young people.

Students develop analytical skills in film and literature by studying a film and novel in depth in the target language. In Spanish, the novel is studied in Year 13.

The course content and skills developed are directly relevant to the following careers: media, journalism, teaching and charity work.

Year 13


-investigate immigration in the French/Spanish speaking world and the current legislation relating to both immigration and racism.

-discuss the importance of politics in young people’s lives and understand why their attitudes to politics are changing.

-study important historical events in the Hispanic/Francophone world and analyse their social, economic and political impact.

The course content and skills developed are directly relevant to the following careers: politics, teaching, law, immigration and history.