Online Poetry Resources

Daily/Weekly Poetry Sites

Some Poetry podcasts, Contemporary Poems and Poets Online

Novels In Verse

A novel written completely in individual, linked poems instead of traditional prose chapters.  There are many authors for young adults who write in this format.  Below are some that are available through your school SORA account.  There are many more available in print hard copy through your library.

A story of jazz, art, baseball, friendship and love told in free verse poems

Award winner by an Afro-Latina slam poet

Will he murder the guy who killed his brother?

Unflinching memoir dealing with sexual assault

Memoir about growing up during the Civil Rights era

Story of a song writer, son of a washed-up rock star and drug addict

Mexican-American 7th grade poet who lives on the border

Award winner about twin brothers, basketball and beats

Some Contemporary Poetry Collections in SORA

Poems of the immigrant and refugee experience

Poems paired with and inspired by art from the Metropolitan Museum

Poems about civil rights heroes 

Some Classic Poetry in Sora

Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman

Poems, Emily Dickinson

Poems, Edgar Allan Poe

Shakespeare's Sonnets