
term 4 maths - 7/8 bh


DMIC Maths

This term we are going to practice DMIC Maths again. We did some of this in Term 1-2 in our Community time. We are also going to learn about Professor Jo Bolar and her week of "Inspirational Maths"

You will work in a DMIC team. I will teach the lesson to half the groups one day, and the other half the next day.

When you are not working with the teacher, you will have some quiet independent tasks to do.

This might be Mathletics or some textbook work at your Maths level.

Inspirational maths

Day 1 - Mindset.mp4

Day 2 - Brain Crossing.mp4

Day 3 - Speed.mp4

Day 4 Patterns.mp4

click to access mathletics

You should have your logins glued inside your Maths book or saved on your Chromebook!