Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love.

16th October: Newsletter 6


As part of our Christian value of Community, this half term, each class has been thinking how different communities, local and global, need our support at this challenging time.

Class 1 have discussed how foodbanks are important and have decided to organise a collection for a local foodbank. In assembly, Brooke explained to the rest of the school, what Class 1 has decided to do, how we can all help by donating items and showed us one of the posters the children have made for each class.

If you are able to donate any tins or packets , they can be dropped off into boxes which will be at the gate, each day next week.

Items which are particularly popular are: UHT semi skimmed milk, tinned tomatoes, packets of mashed potato, tins of chicken in sauces eg stew, casserole, white sauce, mild curries, tinned rice pudding, tinned fruit, packet custard, multi packs of crisps, treats and male and female toiletries including deodorants. These will be collected at half term, by The Resource Foodbank ,who are based at South Ossett Christ Church.

Donating in this way, is also a good reminder to the children, to be thankful for what we have in our own lives.


WordFest is Wakefield's new celebration of words and creativity. As part of this, we were able to take advantage of free story telling and drama workshops for Class1, 2 and 3.

The children had lots of fun exploring how stories can be made using actions, objects and words. They needed to use listening skills, work together and use their imaginations to create their stories.

For more activities for families, including at Horbury Library in half term, click here for the WordFest Programme or see LitFest for 14-25 year olds.

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Young Leaders

The Young Leaders have created a display board in the hall to remind everyone of the importance of drinking plenty of water to keep healthy.

Other News

Governor Vacancies

The closing date to nominate yourself or another parent for our vacancies for parent governors, is Wednesday 21st October.

Parents Evenings

If you have not yet requested a phone call appointment to speak with your child's class teacher, please contact the office to arrange this.

Holiday Club

Total Sporting Solutions will be running holiday provision over October Half term at the Cluntergate Centre, Horbury. Please see the separate email for more details.

Cold Weather Clothing

As the weather becomes more unpredictable, please remember to send you child with a warm, waterproof coat /outer layer, so that they can access lots of fresh air at break times, even if it is cold or drizzly.

As Forest School is now getting muddier, please send a change of footwear in a plastic bag on Forest School days.

We have lots games and activities to keep the children active at lunch and break times. Here is what we have been up to this week.


Class News

Foundation Stage

This week, we have been investigating light and dark. We have found out about nocturnal animals and made models and shadow puppets of these. We have explored our new science area and used torches, light boxes, magic light pens and magnifiers to see how they change the way we see things around us. We are looking forward to learning more about this next week. What a fun time we have had!

Miss Painter, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Stearne, Mrs Ali

Class 1

Class 1 have had a busy and fun week! We created four teams and took part in the Autumn Maths Challenge. Each team collected leaves and conkers and then worked together to count and organise them and create a pattern with the leaves. There were some great leadership skills observed!

We have also loved being scientists, exploring ice and investigating which method melted the ice quickest to help free the trapped sea creatures.

Mrs Ball, Mrs Swallow

Class 2

This week, we found out that Flat Stanley and his brother Arthur, tied string to Stanley and used him as a kite. The children then had a go at making their own kites. They first had a go at making a simple folded kite from a piece of paper. Then they decorated their own with some fabulous designs.

In RE, Fr Christopher visited us to talk about The Trinity and where it appears in baptism. He explained why Christians believe that God is three things and one at the same time. The children asked some really good questions about Christianity and had some brilliant answers too!

Mr Hammond, Mrs Brammer, Mrs Ross

Class 3

Class 3 have continued to journey through history, finding out about crime and punishment. They are currently learning about the reign of Queen Victoria and how her rule saw the introduction of the police force and prisons. They were shocked to find out that, unlike today’s prisons, Victorian convicts had to carry out hard labour tasks - after trying out much tamer versions in class they all decided that they wouldn’t like to have experienced the real thing!

The children also enjoyed a live, online version of 'What's My Line?'. They had to ask questions of Lara and Andy to work out what their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) related jobs were and found out they were a book restorer and a Lego engineer! All the children agreed that there are lots of jobs that they don’t know exist and there is a job out there that everyone can enjoy!

Miss Riley, Mrs Callaghan




For trying hard with all your task,especially when writing her name

William Bu

For trying hard in phonics.He doesn't give up even when tasks are a challenge.

Class 1


Showing super leadership skills during the Autumn maths challenge


Working well as part of a team in the Autumn maths challenge and during the Storybox project

Class 2


Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone with this week's PE. You really showed a growth mindset.


For having a brilliant week in every aspect of your learning. You have really challenged yourself in every lesson.

Class 3


Always trying your best in all that you do.


Working hard following instructions and completing a fabulous narrative poem

Important dates

Diary Dates

Tuesday 17th November: Flu Vaccinations (Reception – Year 6)

Term Dates 2020

Term Dates 2020.docx