Welcome to Meerkat Class Website!

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday and we are really looking forward to seeing all the Meerkats back and ready to learn! This term is our 'CREATE' term with the theme of COLOUR. We shall be focussing on our ART and MUSIC skills - please see the overview of the term below.

PE - Is now on a TUESDAY please arrive to school dressed in PE Kit. The summer months can be very warm so please remember hats, water bottles and suncream (applied before school) each day not just PE days.

Reading - Bug club books have been updated, we shall continue to change books on a Wednesday as well as our library session on a Tuesday. We encourage you to read together at home as much as possible.

Spelling - You will find below the spelling rules we shall be covering this term. We do not 'test' the children on these but it is the national expectation for children to be spelling these words so please have a look at them and if you have time have a go at some the optional spelling activities we send home.

Maths awards - These are looked at each Friday so keeping going Meerkats we know you have been looking at these at home and working hard on them.

Keep an eye on the news section of the school website. We know you love to see what the Marvellous Meerkats have been up and we will do our best to keep the photos of all our learning updated.

Year 2 Newsletters Summer 2022.pdf
Spelling Summer 1 Y2.pdf

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the new school term! We are really looking forward to the 'EXPLORE' spring term ahead with the big question 'Is it a small world?' to help us focus on our Geography and Design Technology learning. Below you will see the overview of the term's learning.

Reading - we shall continue to change books weekly (Wednesday) your child will come home with a phonics book and a colour band book. We also will be having library sessions on Tuesday so the children will have even more reading material to share with you! Of course we must not forget Bug Club and MyOn which has a whole library of books for your child to choose from.

Spellings - The children have shown wonderful phonics skills and now we are moving towards looking at and learning spelling patterns. We will not have weekly spelling tests as it is so important for the children to learn the spelling pattern or 'rule'. Each week for your information we shall send home the spelling pattern, some example words and a supporting activity sheet. This does not need to be returned to school, it is for information sharing so you can support your child and we know we have some very busy Meerkats who really like to do that bit extra!

Maths awards - please continue to work together for Maths awards, remember it is about having a deep understanding of Maths so keep revisiting and checking back on the ones you may have already ticked off.

Keep up that amazing learning Marvellous Meerkats!

Remember to keep an eye on this page for any updates. Here are a few pieces of information for you for the start of the year:

Reading - The children should all now have a phonics book and a colour band book. Remember the children have access to Bug Club and the bug questions are a fun way to develop comprehension skills. Please read at home as much as possible (every night if you can!) and sign in the meerkat communication book where they have read up to in their book. The new homework grid also has a space for a signature too. The children earn reading raffle tickets for each time they read at home! We will continue to change books on a Tuesday.

Homework - This is again a grid of homework for you to choose from and due in on a Wednesday. The grid is on the Homework page of the Meerkat Class website. The first homework this term is due in on Wednesday 15th September. The children are rewarded with a raffle ticket when they bring in completed homework.

Wallets - All of the children are provided with a plastic wallet to keep their things in that come backwards and forwards to school. We ask the children to hand these in every morning, so if there are forms etc.that you want passed to us, it is best to put them in there (preferably tucked inside the communication book).

Snacks - The children are provided with a fruit/veg snack in school but your child is welcome to to bring in their own preferred healthy snack if they wish.

PE - This is on a Monday morning and the children need to come into school in their PE kit. If the weather is cooler please ensure they are dressed appropriately in a plain dark coloured tracksuit as they sometimes still go outside.

Maths Awards - The children are to continue to work on their maths awards. These will be checked on a Tuesday.

Hometime Arrangements - Please can you inform us if anyone other than yourselves are picking up at hometime. A quick note in the meerkat communication book is the best way to let us know. We check the communication book every day.

Our discovery question this term is 'What is a disaster?' with a history focus on 'The Great Fire of London'. Please see below our curriculum newsletter detailing all of the exciting things we will be learning this term.

What a fantastic first two days back we have had in Meerkat Class. It has been great to see how much the children have grown over the summer and to welcome some new friends into Meerkat Class too.

Meerkat P.E. sessions are on Monday mornings, so we continue to ask that children come into school on a Monday with their P.E kit on. We request that children come into school dressed in clothing suitable for outdoor P.E. (navy/black jogging bottoms/jumpers) and suitable footwear.

Please also remember to send children in with a named water bottle and ensure that any clothing is labelled as jumpers/coats etc are easily misplaced.

We will be updating the web page next week with our curriculum newsletter where you be able to read all the exciting things we will learning this term! Please continue to check the page regularly as we will often provide updates through this page.

Well done again to all the children and we know we are going to have a fantastic year!