Hello Amethyst Class, 

I hope that you all had a wonderful summer and you are excited to start a new year in Year 4- I am so excited to start teaching you and to be a part of your school journey through Holy Trinity! Just before the summer I sent out a letter with a few reminders (attached below).

Spellings and times tables will be a big focus during the year ahead. You may be aware that the children will be expected to take a Multiplication check in the Summer Term. We will be given some more information on this later on in the year. Please can we ensure that at home you play your part in helping the children become confident in recalling their times tables from 2x up to 12x tables and including Ox to 12x. We have a school subscription to Times Tables Rock Stars and ‘Hit the Button’ is also a great game!

We are aware that spellings take time to learn  and some children might need more opportunities to learn  than others. This is nothing to worry about. We will be following a spelling programme in school which enables the children to use spellings in their writing and learn the rules of spelling. We have moved away in recent years from sending home sets of spelling to learn for a test.

In Amethyst Class we monitor the children's reading in many ways including, Guided Reading, Choral Reading and Independent Reading, across a wide range of genres. This might not always be obvious but rest assured this is closely monitored within class. The children are reminded that it is their responsibility to change their reading books and to take them home. They are also welcome to bring in a book from home as well as a chance to use the school library. The school expectations are that the children read at least 3 times a week but of course more is brilliant! 

Your child will be given a communication book. Please can I ask that you write in it when you hear your child read. If a message is important please see me on the door or send me an email (sday@holytrinityhalstead.com) Also,  ensure that you are frequently looking at the Amethyst webpage and any APP messages.

Homework will be collected and looked at on a Wednesday, raffle tickets will be given out and team points collected. Homework can be handed in alongside the folder provided. Please keep these safe. 

The children do not need their own stationary or pencil cases, they will be provided with everything they need at school.

P.E will be on a Thursday afternoon and the children will be expected to wear their P.E kit into school on that day. Please read the APP message and letter that was sent home at the end of the Summer term outlining P.E kit requirements.

Please can the children be dropped off and collected from the door that we have shown them, we will not be able to send a child home unless the designated person is at the door to collect them. 

Mrs Day x