Holy Cross
Theatre Auditions

Audition Instructions

Welcome to the Fall 2024 Auditions, on Saturday, September 7th!

Auditions for Cymbeline, Sweeney Todd and At The Wedding  will take place on Saturday, September  7th from 10 a.m. to  3:00 p.m. in the Boroughs Theater in the Prior Performing Arts Center (PAC). Please sign up for audition times on the call board outside O’Kane 481 (4th floor, O’Kane Hall) by Friday, September 6th.  Please show up fifteen minutes before your scheduled audition and make sure you have completed the Google audition form at: audition form.  Audition materials will be available by the last week of August.

We strongly encourage everyone to audition for both productions, especially Theatre majors; however, when you fill out your audition form, please make sure you are available for the rehearsal times and especially performance dates for each show. 

Rehearsal & Performance Information

Cymbeline by William Shakespeare
Directed by Ed Isser

Cymbeline is a fairy tale about an ancient British king married to a wicked queen who conspires against Imogen, his daughter from a previous marriage. It is a tale of deceit, jealousy, and accusations of infidelity that leads ultimately to the slandering and subjugation of an innocent princess.  Imogen emerges triumphant when she confronts and ultimately absolves the men who have betrayed and maligned her. Filled with action and song, Cymbeline is an epic romantic adventure about the power of love and the centrality of family that concludes with shocking revelations and a joyous reconciliation.

Rehearsal Schedule Overview (subject to change):

Additional Rehearsal and Performance Information:

Performance Dates:

OCT. 31 – NOV. 2 and NOV. 7 – 9, 7:30 p.m. in Boroughs Theater
NOV. 3 and 10, 2:00 p.m. in Boroughs Theater

Sweeney Todd by Sondheim & Wheeler

Directed by Meaghan Deiter

This dark tale bridges two seemingly disparate genres — Music Theatre and Horror — and explores themes of power, poverty, patriarchy, revenge, and obsession through a thrillingly complex and satisfying score. “Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd / He served a dark and a vengeful god . . .”

Rehearsal Schedule Overview (subject to change):

Additional Rehearsal Requirements:

Performance Dates

Feb. 6-8 and 13-15, 7:30 p.m. in the Luth Concert Hall 

Feb. 9 & 16, 2:00 p.m. in the Luth Concert Hall 

At the Wedding by Bryna Turner

Directed by Patrick O’Konis

Bryna Turner’s zany one-act follows Carlo as she decides to crash her ex-girlfriend’s wedding (to a man).  In her plight to win Eva back, Carlo must try to navigate her mistakes, regrets and insecurities through stereotypical wedding traditions, awkward interventions by family and friends and – most importantly – an open bar.

Rehearsal Schedule Overview (subject to change):

Additional Rehearsal Requirements:

Performance Dates

NOV. 21, 22 and 23, 7:30 p.m.  in The Pit

NOV. 23 and 24, 2:00p.m. in The Pit


Fall24_AuditionPkt_Instructions, Readings & Music.pdf

Artistic Freedom, Content, and Trigger Warnings

The Department of Theatre and Dance is committed to artistic freedom and performing challenging, thought-provoking works for the campus; however, we are sensitive to the fact that challenging, thought-provoking works may include scenes, characters or dialogue that are triggering.  

Students are encouraged to read all of the plays before auditioning to make sure they are comfortable with the content of the play (for example, those that address issues of sexuality or violence). Copies of the plays are available in the Department of Theatre and Dance Green Room (O’Kane 472, floor of O’Kane).

Once the plays are cast, all decisions will be made in dialogue with student actors and include the actors’ consent.  Special attention will be given to personal boundaries, and open, supportive dialogue during the rehearsal process.

About the Department of Theatre and Dance

The Department of Theatre & Dance at the College of the Holy Cross is a fully accredited member institution of the National Association of Schools of Theatre that offers students an integrated training program in a liberal arts environment. Our theatrical season provides numerous performance and design opportunities. We mount three fully produced, faculty-directed main stage productions, two student-directed one act festivals in our experimental space, two Balinese performance pieces, a dance concert, and numerous presentations by studio classes.  Students who have passed through the department have fared well beyond the bounds of Holy Cross. Our students have been admitted into highly selective graduate programs in acting, directing, dramatic literature, lighting design and film studies. Holy Cross grads work as professional actors, directors, designers, and stage managers.

About Alternate College Theatre

The Alternate College Theatre (ACT) is one of the largest and oldest student groups at Holy Cross.  Composed of undergraduates who love theatre—both majors and non-majors—ACT provides a venue for students to put their training to work.  Students are responsible for all aspects of production: directing, designing and producing as well as performing.   Each year ACT mounts two productions (a play and a musical) and hosts a Cabaret Night in the spring.  The Department of Theatre provides artistic advice and technical supervision, but otherwise it is a sink-or-swim operation dependent upon the talent and dedication of students.