Gabby Postigo

What was your first experience with HTG?

My first experience with the HTG was when I played a police officer in the 2021 Fall Play, The Poe Show.

Why do you perform, or create?

I perform in theatre because it has become like a family. Everyone that is a part of the HTG is kind and accepting. It is a place for all of us to express our creativity and have fun without being afraid of being judged.

In what other clubs, activities, athletics, or arts are you currently involved?

I have participated in the POL (Poetry Out Loud) Competition for the past two years and I finished in second place both years. I am also a part of the school's TSA club and have participated for the past two years in high school and two years in middle school. I also am a part of the school's Chamber Choir.

What are you looking foward to this year?

I am looking forward to possibly acting as a French exchange student for a week next year. The details are still being worked out, but I would get to show a french student what everyday life is like for an American student and they would show me what everyday life is like for a French student.

What is the furthest you have ever traveled?

I have traveled twice to Peru and I have even visited Machu Picchu. We were surrounded on all sides by beautiful mountains and llamas were roaming freely among us. The architecture and the structures built on the mountain were beautiful and breathtaking.

Why should someone consider joining the Holmdel Theatre Guild?

The HTG is an amazing program where people don't have to worry about being judged and can make new friends all while creating amazing shows and putting on performances that year after year we are all proud of.