Caroline Liedel

What was your first experience with HTG?

My first experience with HTG was The Little Mermaid (in 2021).

Why do you perform, or create?

I’ve always been drawn to theatre, whether it due to the people or my love for performing I always find myself making my way back into the stage.

What are you looking forward to this year?

I’m hoping that, even with Covid, I will be able to participate in a lot of volunteer opportunities (especially helping out with the nursing homes in Monmouth County- I love old people!!!). And, of course, I’m super excited for the play, musical and one-acts my senior year.

In what other clubs, athletics, activities, or arts are you involved?

In school I am apart of JSA and look forward to joining more clubs in the 2023 school year. Outside of school I take part in many productions and other programs like Bayshore explorers program, I play tennis, I babysit, and I take vocal lessons. I find myself constantly exploring new hobbies, I’ve taught myself 3 instruments, ukulele, guitar, and i’m currently teaching myself piano.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Telekinesis because whenever they show characters on tv with telekinesis they always look super cool.

Why should someone consider joining HTG?

High school is an awkward phase for everyone, growing out of old friendships, gaining more freedom as well as responsibility, and exploring your own interest. High school is a time to find things you love and make connections and friends through those experiences. The HTG is filled with people of different experiences and personalities, all of which come together because of a common love for preforming. If you are struggling to find your place in high school, the stage may be the place for you. Even if you don’t end up loving preforming as much as the rest of the HTG does, you will always have a place with us, both on and off stage.