Julia King

What was your first experience with HTG?

My first ever experience in the HTG was in Indian Hill, acting in the Wizard of Oz. I played one of the witch’s little henchmen. I recall being very excited to have a scene with just three of us in front of the curtain- However, I didn’t return to doing anything theatre related until middle school.

Why do you perform, or create?

I started in stage crew mainly because I wanted more opportunities to make things. I found the construction aspect interesting, but my feelings grew into admiration for the community of the HTG.

In what other clubs, activities, athletics, or arts are you currently involved?

Radiology Volunteer, Babysitting, Crocheting, Cooking

What are you looking forward to this year?

I’m looking forward to contributing more. Both in the HTG and other clubs I am a part of.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Probably teleportation, so I could travel more easily.

Why should someone consider joining the Holmdel Theatre Guild?

The HTG is a very welcoming environment. It’s easy to make friends because of how long you will all spend together while preparing for shows. There’s also a lot of variety in what you can do between acting and crew.