Valerie Khalil

What was your first experience with HTG?

In 7th grade I started out by taking the theatre class and in 8th grade I performed in “Username” which was my first school performance. 

Why do you perform, or create?

I perform and create theatre because it gives me so much joy to make other people happy and the performing arts is a perfect way to do that by putting on beautiful productions! Plus, it’s my favorite creative outlet!

In what other clubs, activities, athletics, or arts are you currently involved?

Chinese Culture Club, Chinese Honor’s Society, The Sting, Politics Club, Future Physicians of America Club, Bayshore Medical Explorers, Coptic Orthodox Youth Basketball, and Mission Mina. Mission Mina is a non-profit youth group organization based in Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Holmdel. We work on a variety of services such as care packages for the needy and elderly, and even our own Mission Mina Productions. Mission Mina produces one play every year. It is rehearsed and the set is built and organized in the church (for the most part) and we have one day of tech in a rented school before putting on the show. Ever since about 12 years old, Mission Mina has given me opportunities to act, design set pieces, and help with playwriting. I will be continuing my work with Mission Mina during and after HS.  I am also active with the Follow Me Program, a two-year course which prepares youth to serve in the church at any capacity.

If you could be any fictional character, who would it be and why?

Stevie Bell from the Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson. We have so much in common, we love mystery and are true crime junkies. We are very close to our friends and love to explore. When we have a hunch we won’t drop it. And we are very good at reading body language, psychoanalysis, and using deductive reasoning. We might as well be the same person. No case will go unsolved!

Why should someone consider joining the Holmdel Theatre Guild?

The HTG is huge team of amazing students and directors and it’s a place of safety. You will truly feel at home as part of the HTG and you’ll regret not giving it a try (don’t be shy)! It will expose you to all kinds of arts like building, designing, run crew, lights, sound, dance, singing, acting, makeup, costume design, and so much more. It will make you well rounded, you’ll have so much fun and you’ll learn more about yourself and others around you. Plus it teaches you practical life skills like teamwork, perseverance through adversity, bravery, and solid communication skills. You’ll be ready to face the world.