Katie Bauer

What was your first experience with HTG?

My first experience with the HTG was the Poe Show.

Why do you perform or create?

I perform because it's something I like to do and I've always loved theatre. It gives me a creative outlet and I get to do it with amazing people.

In what other clubs, activities, athletics, and arts are you involved in outside of HTG?

I do theatre outside of school but in school I also am part of the TV and Film society. I'm also in the Latin Honor Society.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Black raspberry, hands down!

If you could be any fictional character, who would it be and why?

I'd want to be Elle Woods from Legally Blonde cause she's smart and very cool.

Why should someone consider joining HTG?

HTG is like a family honestly. Sure disagreements happen, but we always work together to find solutions. Of course like anything it's a lot of time and effort, but the memories you get from every production are worth the world. Everyone works super hard and it for sure pays off. If you want to perform or be apart of the behind the scenes work (set design, lighting, building, etc.) you should definitely join.