
A keyboard instrument is one where all of the pitches are arranged visually from low to high/left to right (like on a piano).

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Learning the keyboard allows us to better understand musical pitch,

and it opens us up to creating tons of diverse styles of music from past and present!


"Anytime" help sheets for remembering all of those confusing symbols and notes and rests and....

Middle C Position

Middle C Positions sets both of your hands beginning on Middle C (thumbs/finger #1).

With both thumbs on C, you get one long, continuous stretch of pitches so you don't have to move your hands around!

This hand position is great for playing melodies (the tune that you sing, typically).

Left-Hand C Position

Left Hand C Position puts the lowest finger on each hand on C.

With both hands being on the same notes, you can play in octaves.

Or use your right hand to play the melody,

and your left hand to accompany it, playing chords or a bass line.


