Program Outline

The RAMS Instrumental Program consists of a 6th grade band and a 7th/8th grade band.

It is a year-round Unified Arts class with four primary components.

  1. Group Lessons (In-School) - Each student enrolled in Band class will meet once every 6-day cycle for group lessons, typically with like-instruments. Classes are the same grade only.

  2. Rehearsal (After-School) - The full bands meet once a week for a one hour rehearsal after school (late bus available). 7th and 8th grade have a combined rehearsal.

  3. Practice (Homework) - Students are asked to practice at least 10-20 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week. This serves as homework between class meetings and preparation for our concert programs.

  4. Concerts (After-School) - There are two yearly concerts where each band performs, as well as the Jazz Lab and Jazz Ensemble.

After-school extra help (individual or group) is available on non-rehearsal days by appointment. Appointments can also be made during the student's lunch period.

Additional private lessons with a private teacher are encouraged but not required for continued musical development. Students interested in participating in the audition-based Junior Districts Festival (7th/8th grade only) are further encouraged to pursue private instruction.


  • Can I participate in both Band and Chorus?

    • YES! You will sign up for one OR the other for your in school music class, and can then attend both after-school rehearsals on different days.

  • Do I have to attend after-school rehearsal?

    • Yes, to ensure adequate time on learning, students must attend the after-school portion.

  • What if I need extra-help in a different subject after school?

    • Students are asked to schedule extra help around our rehearsal time as much as possible. Students can miss up to half of rehearsal and still receive attendance credit with a pass from the extra help teacher. Accommodations can be made for students requiring recurring extra help with teacher approval.

  • What if I have athletics after school?

    • Students should not skip rehearsal for athletics practice. Instead, please change for athletics but attend rehearsal first. Students traveling to "away games" are excused from rehearsal no more than 5-10 minutes before their bus departure.

  • Can I still take band if I have a weekly conflict with after-school rehearsal?

    • Accommodations can be made for recurring after-school absences on a case-by-case basis with teacher approval.


Students are required to have an instrument of their own to play both in school and at home. There are 3 options available:


Holliston Public Schools instrument rentals are handled by the David French Music Company, located in Westborough, MA.

Instrument Rental FAQ

Rental Application


If purchasing an instrument, we recommend a student or intermediate model from one of the below manufacturers.

*Please note that "discount brands" found on Amazon (such as Mendini, Jean Paul, Eastrock, Eastar, etc.) are not recommended*








Students may borrow school-owned instruments if the need arises:

1) If a student is unable to rent or buy an instrument

2) If it is a secondary instrument (Bass Clarinet, Tenor/Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tuba)