...Learning takes place at any time, at any place!

Philosophy of Education

Education, for any population, should be provided in a safe, interactive environment that promotes trust between the student and teacher. Once trust is established, learning can begin. Knowing the student's personality, strengths and weaknesses will provide the template to best understand the student's needs, and allows the teacher to choose the method that will best help the student achieve his/her goals. Such a template is elastic, as a teacher must bend and stretch with the complex shapes that comprise any individual. The road is also a two way street, as the student must come to know and understand the teacher in order to know what to expect within the context of learning.

The lessons and instruction need to be implemented in a "set-up for success" arrangement. With the student/teacher rapport in place, the road map for successful implementation and learning is in a better position to be realized. Challenges for the students can be augmented with attainable outcomes that avoid blind sided failures that could hamper self-esteem, confidence, and trust.

Students with disabilities, in some cases, not only have disadvantages due to their special needs, but may also suffer from environmental issues of home life struggles or neglect that can exacerbate their status and disposition. Life skills and self-esteem are as important as gaining educational skills. Instilling a self-perpetuating work ethic, practical education and work skills, in a relevant, meaningful and contextual manner, are essential to help all students develop a voice, and gain independence as productive members of our ever evolving inclusive society.