
各位同學請留意Powerlesson, 老師可能會給你們一些互動的學習任務。

請同學完成 powerlesson 內story 1 : ER, 及WB習作。


P3_When are our teachers' birthdays (明道小學老師製作)

P3_teachers' birthdays (明道小學老師製作)

P3_what would you like for your birthday (明道小學老師製作)

P3_what would ___ like for his____her birthday (明道小學老師製作)

P3_WB P5 (明道小學老師製作)

P3_How much (明道小學老師製作)

Primary 3 Story 7 I saw sb doing sth

Primary 3 WB P.10


各位三年級同學,期望你們能嘗試用英文作一篇「自我介紹」(Introducing Myself) 希望你完成這篇作文後,個別利用eclass 電郵 交給英文科科任批改 。之後,請各位同學能把文章背熟及默寫。此舉對於日後應付作文、會話、甚至對六年班升中面試也很有幫助的。以下有一啲問題,可以作為指引。


1. What is your name? My name is.... 我的名字是...

2. How old are you? I am.... years old.我今年...歲。

3. What do you look like? (外表的描述) I am... (tall, short, fat, slim, thin...

I have... (a pair of big / small eyes, a big /small nose...)

I am...( beautiful / handsome / good looking)

4. Where do you study? I study at MingTao Primary School. 我在明道小學讀書

5. Where is your school? My school is in Tseung Kwan O. 我學校在將軍澳

6. Which class are you in? I am in Class 3C. 我就讀3C班

7. What is your favourite subject? Why? My favourite subject is ….(English / P.E.…) because …. 我喜歡的科目是…因為…

8. Where do you live? I live in... 我住在...

9. How many family members do you have? I have... family members. 我有...家庭成員

10. Who are they? They are my ...…

11. Who is your best friend? My best friend is … (我的好友是…) He / She is…

12. What do you like to do in your spare time? Why?

In my spare time 在餘閒時, I like… (swimming, dancing…) 我喜歡… because…

13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

I want to be a … (doctor, teacher…) when I grow up. 當我長大我想成為…

It is because…. 因為…