school library

Our school is steeped in history and none more so than our wonderful library. It is one of the oldest parts of the school with a long and varied history, having been the school hall, dining room, and staff room (or Masters’ lounge, as it was known!)

You will receive a warm welcome in the library; it is a happy and busy place, but there’s always a space if you need somewhere quiet. This is what the students say,

“It has a sense of hospitality that is not quite like anywhere else.”

“It’s a place to revise, read, relax, and have fun.”

“It’s a place where you can make friends.”

Our lovely librarians, Mrs Baugh and Mrs Rushton, are always available – they will help you find the book you need or a new book to love. They also host theme weeks and fun quizzes throughout the year, and have interesting displays for you to look at for inspiration. There is a team of Library Champions from across the year groups who help promote the library to the whole school and new students can apply to join the team.

The library is also home to the school’s archive and our librarians will happily tell you the stories behind the stained glass windows, the secret doors, the hidden fireplaces, and all about past students whose stories are waiting to be told!

Year 7 students are encouraged to make full use of the library – there is a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books, computers for research and school work, and printing and photocopying facilities are also available. The library is open between 9.00am - 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am – 3.30pm on a Friday including break and lunchtime.

Come and see for yourself in September. The library has a guardian and a mascot called 'Big Dave'. He is even rumoured to know the secret location for our own House sorting hat….