books and equipment

Students should bring the following to school each day in a sturdy bag in which to carry books etc.

Pencil case with contents

Essential '5 a day'

Black/blue pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener (preferably one that collects the sharpening)

Useful to have

Green, red and purple biro, Yellow, green and pink highlighter.

For Maths

Protractor, compass, scientific calculator, green and pink highlighter.

For Art/Technology/Food Technology

A small set of artists pencils ie 4B, 2B, B, HB, H (for use in Art and Technology

Apron - 1x (this must be washed between lessons unless on the same day)

Food Tech practical lessons - Oven gloves, a named carrier bag and a named tin/Tupperware container to take their food home in.

For Music Set of headphones 3.5mm jack.

Locker key (if you have hired a locker)


Water bottle

Packed lunch (if not having our delicious school dinners)

Reading book (Fiction or non fiction)

Smartcard (Students will be given this during September)

PE kit only on the days timetabled for PE or a club

PE kit must be carried in a separate bag and taken home immediately after use. All kit must be marked with the student’s name. You will not need your PE kit on your first day.

Textbooks and exercise books are provided where required. They must be treated with care and must not be marked in any way. Responsibility for making good any damage rests initially with the boy(s) concerned and, if necessary, with parents.


Students can purchase most stationery from our onsite stationery store (located in the Quad next to the canteen) which is open every morning from 8.30am – 8.45am and stocks all of the stationery required for students at cost price. Where possible please can we ask for exact money only. Stationery will also be available for purchases during our transition evening on 8th July. Please kindly ensure you bring correct money were possible.

A list of current prices is detailed below.

HBS Stationery Store Prices – 2021