PRS Music

Class overview

Learning about music takes on many forms here at PRS. We sing all types of songs. We learn to read music and play instruments. We move our bodies with the music. We learn about famous musicians old and young from all over the world. Our music room is a place where we can create, perform, respond, and connect to music!

Third graders "Do the Mannequin!

Second graders sing the "Draw a Bucket of Water" song and bounce in the sugar bowl!

About Mrs. Turner

I have been teaching music at PRS for 18 years. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education and a Master's Degree in Education with a focus on Curriculum & Instruction.

As a child, I studied violin and piano. Once I entered Junior High, I discovered my love of singing and participated in various singing groups. I was so fortunate to have many kind and inspirational music teachers both in public school and in my college years. They continue to inspire me even after 25 years of teaching.

I am so proud to work at PRS. I love our community and the teachers with whom I work.

In my spare time, besides spending time with my family, I read (a lot!) and walk my dog Chester.