The Ripple Effect

Note: If you click on almost any image you'll open an enlarged version/extra content.

Water Card

One of the first projects I did at HTH was this water card. It contains information about ourselves, information about various statistics, our closest water source, and a story about the source.

Mission Bay Article

During the first semester I went to San Diego Bay to snorkel. During this trip, me and my classmates conducted experiments and logged our experience. Afterwards. Later, we wrote an article on it.

Water Bottle

One of the first large projects we did was a water bottle. A partner and I chose to research and write about mission bay. After researching the history and more, I painted a picture of historical mission bay, and made the lovely sticker photographed to the left. The sticker was printed out and put on a water bottle to use later.

Humans of Water

During the first semester, I interviewed someone who had a good connection with water. It started out with just interviewing my classmates, then went to relatives/somebody close, then to someone with a good connection with water.

Letter to Legislator

After researching problems affecting water, I looked for a representative that would hopefully read my letter. After getting these, I chose a topic (plastic waste) and wrote about its impact.

Math Modeling Poster

In class, I watched a documentary on overfishing. This documentary was controversial, so I fact checked 6 randomly pulled statistics. After that, I could choose one of those stats or go with a new one. I ended up choosing my own and made this poster. It talks about plastic waste and the future of it.

Final Exhibition Humanities Project

At the end of a semester, we do what's called an "Exhibition" (where we show off work). For this, my group and I made a fish constructed out of carboard and garbage. we wanted to show just how much trash a school campus alone makes a day.

Water Filter

To learn about phase changes, my group and I developed the water filter to the right. It uses basic heat distillation to filter dirty water. It used a teapot, PVC pipe, and a mason jar. For more, click on the image to view the final report.

Slime Viscosity Lab

To test the viscosity of fluids, my group and I made different slimes to test mixtures. We ran it down a ramp to see the flow rate. Admittedly, this wasn't the greatest test and could have definitely been better.