Unity Day information for Parents

Welcome and thank you for taking an interest in your child's social and emotional learning! Below are some resources to help you understand how to talk to your child about bullying. The goal is not to ensure that all students are friends- we as adults aren't expected to be friends with everyone we meet, but hopefully students will learn how to respect one another and how to stand up for themselves appropriately when they feel they're being disrespected. If you ever have any questions or want to discuss concerns you may have, please don't hesitate to contact your child's School Counselor, Mrs. Jacobs!

Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center

Stomp Out Bullying

Don't forget, you have a strong influence on your child and their behavior during their elementary school years! It's important to discuss your family values with your child(ren) and your expectations for how they behave and treat other people. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and to grow and right now they're looking to you to learn how to react to various situations. Make sure you're setting an example with the way you act, as well.

Take a moment, when you have a chance (whether it's today or sometime this weekend), to watch the reading with your child and discuss his/her responses to the follow-up questions. Ask them about their own experiences and discuss appropriate responses to situations they may face. We're all more likely to respond appropriately in "the heat of the moment" if we've already thought through how we would respond. Also, encourage your child to use his/her resources (you, a family member, their Teacher, their School Counselor, the Principals, or another trusted adult in their life). Productive adults know when to ask for help and/or delegate responsibilities. And, as always, don't hesitate to reach out to your child's School Counselor if you have any questions.

Check out photos of our students Wearing their Orange!