Welcome to the nurse's corner🌻

Health Office🌼

Mrs. Lauren Hires, RN, BSN, CSN

732-872-1476 ext. 12 FAX 732-872-0973


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the Nurse's Corner Page.  I am Lauren Hires (Mrs. Hires or Nurse Hires to the students).  I've been a nurse for 20 years and a school nurse for 14 years working with children from age 3 through age 17.  I am married with  2 grown children.

As your school nurse, I encourage  and welcome communication with the parents and caregivers of our students.   If I see your child for something non-emergent but noteworthy, I may send you a heads up email.  Should your child encounter anything medically or emotionally serious during the school day, I will make that contact a phone call.   The school nurse is available during the school day for students and staff, and for communicating with parents and caregivers of the students.  Please contact me by phone during the school day or by email anytime.  

Scroll down for links to printable forms and documents you may need and also for key policies regarding student health, exclusions, and general health information.

I look forward to a wonder-full year with you and your children.  

Lauren Hires

School Nurse

IMPORTANT LINKS:  Click on the link for a form or information











The following information is provided to inform you of the various policies and procedures in the Highlands School District. I hope this information is helpful. Should you have any questions, please contact me at the Health Office.


Please call the school if your child is absent. You may leave a message at any time via voice mail at extension 10, for the Attendance Officer, Mrs. Serghis. Please give the reason for your child's absence. If your child was seen by a physician, please provide a note stating the reason for the absence. If your child is late, please walk your child in the building and sign them in at the main office. If your child has a fever, they must be fever free for 24 hours before they can return to school. If your child is taking an antibiotic, they must be on the antibiotic AT LEAST 24 hours before they may return to school.


NO medication can be given to your child without a signed order from a physician and signed parental consent. See the link for the medication administration form. Please do not send any medication to school with your child, in the backpack. all medication must be brought to school in the original container by a parent/guardian and with your child’s name written on the label.  This includes over the counter medications.  Cough drops require a note of permission from the parent and the student must bring in their own brand of cough drops to be kept in the nurse’s office.


The children go out for recess every day weather permitting. Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for outdoor play. In cooler weather, be sure to include a jacket, hat and mittens (or gloves). Sandals are not appropriate for outdoor play and can actually cause injuries; sneakers should be worn instead. Please do not send your child to school if he or she has a slight temperature, a severe cold, or other sign of illness. If your child is recovering from a disease or illness, please do not let him/her return to school until he or she is able to participate in the regular activities of the school day, including physical education and outdoor recess. If your child comes to school with an ace bandage or splint, they will not be allowed to participate in recess.  A doctor’s note must be provided.


If your child is to be excused from physical education or recess they will need a written excuse.  A parent note of excuse is good for 2 missed PE days or recess days.  After 2 days a physician’s note is required.  If your child comes to school with an ace bandage or splint, they will not be allowed to participate in physical education. A doctor's note must be provided.


The common cold presents the most frequent problem since it is so readily transmitted to others. A child with a bad cold (e.g. persistent coughing and/or sneezing increased or copious discharge) should remain home even if no fever is present.  If your child comes to school sneezing and coughing with copious drainage from their nose, they will be sent home, with or without a fever.


A fever is a warning sign that all is not right with the body. The best way to check for a fever is with a thermometer. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should not be sent to school. If your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher at school, he or she will be sent home and will remain home until they are fever free without the use of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours.  Please prepare.


Children with vomiting or diarrhea should be kept home. If your child has experienced vomiting or diarrhea during the night, keep the child home.  If your child has diarrhea or vomiting at school, he or she will be sent home with or without fever.


A child with a sore throat accompanied by a fever should be kept home and their physician consulted. If a diagnosis of strep throat has been made, please notify the Health office. If an antibiotic has been prescribed, the child must be on antibiotics AT LEAST 24 HOURS before returning to school. Please provide a doctor's note upon your child's return to school.  If your child has a sore throat that is very red, has a headache, a neck ache, or a stomach ache yet has no fever, please consult your child’s physician before bringing your child to school.  Strep does not always produce a high fever in all children.


A rash may be the first sign of childhood illness, such as chicken pox. A rash or "spots" may cover the entire body or may appear only on one particular area. Do not send your child to school until his or her physician has said it is safe to do so. Please provide a doctor's note upon return to school.  Children with undiagnosed or contagious rashes will be sent home from school.  If you are uncertain about a rash on your child’s body, please call the nurse ahead of drop off at school. 


Open sores require special attention. Documentation of medical treatment is required for the child to return to school. If documentation is not provided, the child will be sent home.


The student may attend school during an active case if the student has the ability to practice personal hygiene precautions. Young children should be kept home until the lesion(s) have dried. If your child is in school with an active herpes lesion and is unable to keep their hands away from the sore, they will be sent home.

IMPETIGO (contagious bacterial infection)

The student may attend school if treatment is verified and lesions are covered and dry. Documentation of medical treatment is required for the child to return to school. If documentation is not provided, the child will be sent home.


The student may return to school as soon as all sores/blisters are dry and scabbed, there is no fever and no new sores/blisters anywhere including the inside of the mouth.  A physician note is requested.


Students are not excluded from school with a case of ringworm.  However, the rash must be treated and covered due the high level of transmission.


The student may return to school after being on antibiotic therapy for at least 24 hours, and there is no more drainage from the eye.   A physician’s note is required upon return to school. If the child does not have a note the parent will be called and possibly the child will be sent home.


At times any student may have the need for a change of clothing.  There is a small amount of clean clothing to borrow in the Health Office however, sizes are limited and many items are not returned.  If your child needs a clean supply of fitted clothing due to a time period of frequent accidents, your teacher may request a supply brought into school from home, kept in the classroom for your child, and replenished promptly when used.  This is important for the comfort and safety of your child and also for all students and staff.  If your teacher sends a note home requesting clean clothing be brought into school, kindly respond considerately and promptly.

​For more information on the above, or if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.