R.O. Hardin Elementary School

881 Line St., Hollister, CA 95023

Phone 831-636-4440 | Fax 831-636-7537

Principal: Lilia Espinoza

Assistant Principal: Gabriela Vallejo

R.O. Hardin where language and literacy are the road to human progress and the means by which every child can realize his/ her full potential.

Welcome to RO Hardin School! (1).mp4

Proudly serving students for over 70 years! Working towards academic, personal, and social growth for all of our students.  Our ultimate goal is student success!

¡Orgullosamente sirviendo a estudiantes por más de 70 años! Trabajando hacia el crecimiento académico, personal y social para que todos nuestros estudiantes tengan éxito en la vida.


Monthly Newsletter

Noticiero Mensual

May Newsletter 2023.pdf