Early Childhood / Lower School

Simple, quick access to curriculum-related information on current events, arts, sciences, health, people, government, sports, history and more.

2,500 full-text magazines, newspapers, books, and transcripts, plus~over 7 million~maps, photographs, infographics, educator-approved websites

Includes Encyclopedia Britannica plus Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, magazines and periodicals, and many other research tools.

Extensive database for image searching

Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help


Visit for resources and links to a variety of subject.

High School

Science News
A bi-weekly magazine of current issues in science. The library subscribes to the hard-copy edition.

One-Act Plays
A collection of free, full-script one-act plays categorized by comedy or drama and searchable by playwright and cast size.

The Israel HighWay
A Publication for US High School Students about life in Israel.

Daily articles from this Israeli newspaper

Jewish Virtual Library
This is a large collection of references to many publications on a large variety of Jewish subject areas. It does not provide full text. The searcher must find sources for the items referenced.

Jewish History
This is a rich source of data for research in Jewish history.

Sometimes we are all puzzled by an acronym that we see. Here's a source to help you find the meaning of over 40.000 acronyms. Enjoy!

Interfaith Alliance
The national non-partisan advocacy voice of the interfaith movement, committed to protecting the integrity of both religion and democracy in America.

Stories and books streaming free on

For as long as schools are closed, you can instantly stream a wide variety of audio stories and books, including classics such as Jane Eyre, The Call of the Wild, Pride and Prejudice, Brave New World,Frankenstein, even the first Harry Potter.

All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.

The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read Alouds & Activities

Dav Pilkey, Author and Illustrator of Dog Man and Captain Underpants, Collaborating with the Library of Congress to Serve Families at Home

Keep Reading and Carry On - recommended reading for Middle School

Keep Reading and Carry On!