Device Loan Program

Herkimer CSD recognizes that learning doesn’t only take place in the classroom anymore. Therefore, we are making devices available to students to borrow so that they may continue learning.

Students who wish to borrow a Chromebook may do so. They can take the device home with them to use for their school needs.

By borrowing a device from Herkimer CSD, you assume responsibility for it. That means that you are responsible for taking care of the device as you would your own.

Students and families who borrow devices, will need to return them (in good working condition) to the district when regular classes resume.

Need to Know

The device loan program at Herkimer Central School District is a privilege extended to students and their families who attend the school.

By accepting a device to borrow, you are acknowledging that you have seen and signed the Acceptable User Agreement, (when you picked up the device). In addition, familiarize yourself with the points below.

  • The student/parent is responsible for the device. You are expected to return the device is the same condition as you received it.

  • This device has a content filter. It limits access to websites that are deemed inappropriate.

  • Internet access on this device is monitored. The district can see the activity of whomever uses this device.

  • Since the device is provided by Herkimer CSD, we expect that the PRIMARY use of it is for schoolwork.

  • This is a loan. The district expects that the device will be returned when requested, along with any peripherals.

  • The student is responsible for following the Code of Conduct anytime they are using district-provided technology.

  • If the device is lost, broken, or stolen, it is the student’s responsibility to alert the district immediately.

How to Connect to your Home Wireless

When you take a device home, you’ll need to connect it to a wireless network to be able to sign in and use the device. Regardless of if the network is at your home, a public place, or is created by a hotspot, the process will remain the same. Here’s how…