Student voice at heritage

student voice at heritage

By Mariella Caraus

Being a member of the Heritage Student Council is an important task that takes commitment, perseverance and hard work. Our main goal is  to create a better place where every student feels safe and happy, knowing that his/her opinions are being heard and acknowledged. 

The beauty of our Heritage community lies within the fact that every single one is valued and praised. Any creative ideas are more than welcomed during our  weekly student council meetings. Our students are directly involved in organizing events of different kinds, social, local, international or entertaining. Take into consideration the last big event that took place at our school : Winter Ball 2022. All the ideas, logistics and managerial parts were completed by our students, with the administration’s help. They have created a committee, outlining each task to different members so that all the work was completed in the most efficient way possible. The budget from the sold tickets was managed by our students as well- how can it be more democratic than that?

Another good example would be the Charity Food Donations. The whole Heritage community works as one when it comes to collecting donations, but who in fact delivers them? Right- our students. We are all given the opportunity to to take part in various activities, the only thing that is required from you is your initiative. Ideas and projects also sometimes come from the students themselves, and the journey of implementing them is not hard at all, since our administration is always more that happy to hear them out. At Heritage International School we are not only students, we are young bright people who are heard, respected and prized.