Distance Learning Opinions

by Bianca Sirbu

Heritage International School has implemented a Distance Learning Plan to protect the health of students and teachers.

Distance learning is like normal learning, students go according to their schedules and learn using Google Classroom for gymnasium and primary. Students chat with their teachers using Hangouts or Google Meet. As for this writer, I think it is really okay, it gets quite boring being home all day and only spending time on your computer and phone, but it is a new experience, I quite like it.

Here are some students’ opinions about distance learning:

  • Malte Gemmer -”Although i think that learning at home can be more comfortable it is also a lot more tiring, as it is easier to focus in a classroom with a teacher than watching a screen for long periods of time. Overall, though, I really enjoy distance learning as I can do anything during the brakes, recently I have been eating lunch at around one ‘o’clock during the break instead of the 14:00 break, Which doesn’t distract me as I am not hungry during the lessons, plus I get to eat with my family. Secondly, I get to sleep a lot longer than usual, as I often simply have to dress, eat breakfast, and then start lessons."

  • Gesica Sirbu -” I do enjoy Distance Learning indeed for various reasons; the whole idea of Distance Learning and how unique it is, the critical knowledge that will be useful for many individuals and I in our daily lives, and the convenience that it provides.

Firstly, I enjoy online learning because it helps us gain knowledge about things we will need to know in the future. After a couple of online lessons, I already learned a lot, not just in my lessons, but also in technology, mainly speaking about communication and collaboration applications. I knew how to use these applications reasonably well, but now I know many things I did not know before, which makes me fond that we have these opportunities in an online school. These abilities will be useful for many individuals in the future for many purposes.

Secondly, online schooling is much more convenient for me, including many other students and teachers. I live extremely far from school, meaning I need to wake up earlier and take the school bus, the same is for many others from school. The online schooling system has allowed me, many students, and teachers not to worry about waking up early, missing the bus, or being late for lessons, making it comfortable for individuals.

Thirdly, Distance Learning is a unique way of learning. All my life, I have attended traditional schools, and when our school announced that we are starting an online schooling system, I did not know what to expect. Once we started, it was very different for me, but I was quite fond of learning this way. In addition, Distance Learning is just as engaging as traditional schooling. I have noticed how my classmate's actions drastically changed, in a positive way, when shifting to a whole new system of learning.

In summary, I enjoy online learning due to the vital knowledge we gain that we will need in the future, the convenience it provides, and how different Distance Learning is. Since when our school launched this system of learning, I am quite impressed with how fast our school organized it. I am also incredibly thankful for our school; it still was determined to continue educating students even during stressful situations."

  • Nile Walton -” I really like Distance Learning, it’s a whole new experience! I really like how technology is involved- that just makes it more fun”

Some of our teachers:

  • Larisa Mirza- “ I am very passionate about education, with a special interest in exploring innovative ways to enhance teaching and learning.

Although it seemed like a daunting experience when we were required to move all our face-to-face classes online. The first thing we thought about what might be the most efficient way to contact our students as successful online teaching depends on clear and effective communication. Teacher presence is just as important online as it is in the physical classroom, maybe even more.

We started with what we've already got on Google Classroom Platform.

We chose synchronous classes with a fixed schedule where we can use our coursebooks. In IPC and Global Perspectives we follow a flipped classroom approach, where I set some individual tasks that need to be completed before our synchronous lesson so that I can build on them in our virtual classroom.

Online learning also brings challenges for students and their parents too,especially with younger learners. But we are learning quickly how to make our online learning more effective. Once we are familiar with the functions and tools of the platforms, we get better at using online quizzes .

We found that technology has its advantages in ways which we hadn't realised before, such as allowing for differentiated learning. ”

Ana Cojusneanu -” We can use this as an opportunity. The advantage is in flexibility, in today’s world where everything is in constant change, where humans rely mostly on technology which is always changing. This makes it easier for both students and teachers to work, because technology can be hard to understand for both students and teachers, we are all learning together."

Inga Corlateanu -” Living in the XXIst century requires us to adapt to different situations, as it is a period of time when everything changes really fast and there are many challenges that must be faced with wisdom. Long distance teaching is a test for our knowledge, practice, experience and creativity. Even though, both students and teachers miss the usual way of schooling, they take advantage of everything that technology can offer to us from a teaching/learning point of view. As an educator, I see my students more responsible, motivated and interested in discovering more about online learning and their approach to this change of situation makes me sure about their adaptability and eagerness to study no matter the circumstances.”

And from Lynda Smith, our Distance Learning Coordinator:

"Of course I think our Distance Learning Plan is amazing. But what’s really amazing is the Heritage faculty. We came to our teachers one day and said, this is what we have to do to meet our students’ needs now. And they did it. They just did it. Even those without much expertise in technology did it anyway. They were trained a little, worked together teaching each other, figured things out for themselves. They’ve stretched themselves well beyond their comfort zones because they didn’t want our students to be, as so many are around the world, out of school and in isolation. Our teachers have helped to keep our students in the world while they must be out of it, and I have never, ever been prouder of the people with whom I work before. Our students are among the most fortunate in the world. Knowing that I have been any part of that is simply wonderful."