What studying at Heritage this year meant for all of us

What studying at Heritage this year meant for all of us

By Nicoleta Mardari

A quiet time here at Heritage. As spring brings its best move during this beautiful last month, the whole world seems to exhale with relief. Students across the campus enjoy the last moments of the school year, preparing for the great vacation ahead. Staff and teachers, all trying to put in their last words, teach some additional topics before summer takes over. Nature entangles its vines in a supernatural call, luring everyone outside with its fresh air and warm sunshine. Yet, the school vibe is still here.

One can definitely say it has been a full year. A full-on emotional rollercoaster. A journey of discipline and self-actualisation. A learning experience worth more than money can buy. As I look back on that warm September morning at the start of the journey, I realize I couldn’t have expected any of this. It has been more varied and prone to change than ever before. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been good. It’s been amazing. All of it.

This year started off strong. As a student in 10th grade, with my first ever exams of this scale, I knew I had a full year ahead. I was ready to study and achieve the knowledge I needed to pass them. The year progressed and, among all the tests, assignments, extremely long weekends and tiring nights, I knew it was all going to be worth it in the end. Christmas came along and it was one of the most rewarding holidays of the year, but I was eventually eager to come back. I knew I wasn't finished yet. Once March came along, it was decided that we were going to take portfolio exams instead of the real ones. It was a new challenge, yet a very much needed safety belt. Our teachers were the real heroes in this case, though. They pushed through every new occurrence and guided us through the whole process.

Has it been easy? No, but truly rewarding.

This year has been a new step for all of us, but it affected each and every single one of us differently. It is thus very important now to look back and analyze our moves. This is the only way to improve and become better, day by day.

We have almost reached the end of the journey. May will soon become a memory, being replaced by the refreshing heat of June. We all need a break, however these last few days in school seem the best. Ask anyone.

It feels like the end of an era. Who knows what’s coming next? All we could hope for is the power to adapt easily to any case scenario. Looking forward to the next school year, good luck!

“Sometimes even when you know how something’s going to end, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the ride.’