Ice cream

Ice cream

By Sophia Dulgher

Ice cream is by far the most liked food in the world and I happen to like it too. It is the food that brings everyone joy and can keep you nice and cold on a hot summer day. It's the food you can't say no to. Afterall ice cream is cheaper than therapy so we can say it can benefit us in a lot of ways.

It started off as "Cream Ice'' and its origins are known to reach back as far as the second century B.C., even though none knows the exact year the great dessert was invented. It went from ice flavored with honey and nectar to being topped with fruits and by the time it got through England and straight to the US it had become something more adapted to the version of the dessert we know now.

Overall with all of the history of ice cream we can't really state if it was as accurate as it is written as but so far the taste of it is more important than which country it originates from.

From classic vanilla ice cream to even cookie dough, the variety is big. Either if you want it in a cone or a cup it still doesn't really change the flavor of the dessert. My personal favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate ice cream and even though it's a little bit basic I never get sick of it.

To sum up everything that has been said, I can say that ice cream is a good dessert for any season and it's to the taste of everyone no matter what flavor you prefer.