When In Doubt,  Don't Throw It Out!

Our grant helps teach young children about recycling and the benefits it has for our community and its environment. The objective is to teach elementary school children more about recycling and how it’s beneficial to our community. We will also go over ways to recycle and we will have a school-wide recycling competition to continue to promote recycling. 

 The Project Process:

The first part of our project was meeting with the children. During this meeting we met with multiple groups to introduce the project and what the competition consisted of. Before we introduced the competition, we talked about recycling and told the students some interesting facts. 

This picture is of us meeting with one of the classes for the first time. 

Above are picture of the recycling that the classes collected. The class with the most correctly recycled item won a pizza party!


Describe what role you played on your team. Who did you have to work with to achieve your goal? What was the outcome of the project?