Middle School  Enrichment 

William and Mary Saturday Enrichment and Summer Enrichment Programs (SEP)

SEP is an academically challenging program with an emphasis on inquiry-based learning for students. The program is not meant to supplant the regular school curriculum; rather, it recognizes the importance of allowing able youngsters to explore additional specialized areas of science, mathematics, humanities, and arts. Course activities are compatible with the expected achievement of talented students at specific grade and age levels.

Behaviors fostered by the gifted learner program include the ability to:

Classes are offered in the fall, spring, and summer.  To learn more visit  the  William and Mary SEP link 

Virginia Commonwealth University College of Engineering Community Engagement and Outreach 

VCU Engineers are dedicated to working in and with our community. Students, faculty and staff routinely engage with local schools, community groups, and community members through research projects, outcome-focused collaborations, and activities that raise public awareness of the role engineering plays in our lives. Through our Office of Government and Community Outreach, VCU Engineering hosts a variety of opportunities for community outreach and engagement. Click here to learn more. 

Johns Hopkins Online Courses

Johns Hopkins has Online Programs courses that are designed to enrich and accelerate academically advanced students in the areas where they show the strongest abilities.

 Click here for the Course List