9-12 Science Resources


Biology Corner- offering lesson plans, tutorials, and resources

BioDigital - Interactive 3D Human Body Platform

BioInteractive - resources

Canva - online image creation tool

Cells Alive - digital cell models

CrashCourse - Biology videos

EdHeads.org - Science review games

Learn.Genetics - Instructional videos

Molecular Workbench - interactive simulations

Newsela - Fresh adaptive reading for every subject with Lexile options and grade level with Spanish translation

Nova Science Now - video resources

Ology - American Museum of Natural History resource

SciShow - Youtube video resource of science concepts

National Science Foundation-resources aimed at classroom teachers, students, and their families.

National Association of Biology Teachers-biology resources

Phet interactive simulations | Biology-interactive biology simulations


Biome Viewer - Interactive map

Earth Observatory - Mission, Biomes

EduMedia - Building a food web

Graphic Organizer.net - printable graphic organizers

Interactive STEM activities - ecosystems

Kids Discovery - Biomes

Legends of Learning - Food Webs in an ecosystem

Newsela - Fresh adaptive reading for every subject with Lexile options and grade level with Spanish translation

Ology - American Museum of Natural History resource

PBS LearningMedia - Exploring the systems Ecosystems & Ecosystem Challenge

PBS LearningMedia - Antarctic Food Web Game

Quizlet - vocabulary review

Read, Write, Think - writing analysis resources

Scholastic.com - Ecosystems StudyJams

SciShow - Youtube video resource of science concepts

Ventusky - Interactive weather map

Visual Writing Prompts - use images and prompts to engage students


CrashCourse-video playlist

Newsela - Fresh adaptive reading for every subject with Lexile options and grade level with Spanish translation

Nova Labs - Energy Lab

Ology - American Museum of Natural History resource

PHET Interactive Simulations | Energy and Forms of Change-interactive simulations

SciShow - Youtube video resource of science concepts

Science Trek - online resources for students

States of Matter - online review

force and motion

Canva - Graphic Organizers Online

Create A Graph - Kids’ ZOne, nces.ed.gov

Desmos - graph functions and data plotting

Newsela - Fresh adaptive reading for every subject with Lexile options and grade level with Spanish translation

Newton’s Laws of Motion and Car Physics - resources

PBS Learning Media - Physical Science resources

PHET: Forces and Motion- interactive simulations

Ology - American Museum of Natural History resource

Quizlet - vocabulary review

Scholastic.com - Study Jams: interactive exploration, Newton’s Law

SciShow - Youtube video resource of science concepts

human body / genetics

BioDigital - Interactive 3D Human Body Platform

BioInteractive - resources

Canva - online image creation tool

Cells Alive - digital cell models

CrashCourse - Biology videos

EdHeads.org - Science review games

Learn.Genetics - Instructional videos

Molecular Workbench - interactive simulations

Newsela - Fresh adaptive reading for every subject with Lexile options and grade level with Spanish translation

Nova Science Now - video resources

Ology - American Museum of Natural History resource

SciShow - Youtube video resource of science concepts


Climate Education, 2019 - from EarthDay.org

CrashCourse - Weather vs. Climate and other science videos

Discovery Education - weather maps

Education.com, Figurative Language resources

Exploratorium - Global climate change explorer

NASA, gov, Climate Kids - online resources

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration- Educational resources

Newsela - Fresh adaptive reading for every subject with Lexile options and grade level with Spanish translation

Quizlet - vocabulary review

Read, Write, , Think - writing analysis resources

Ventusky - Interactive weather map

WaterProject.org. - Lesson plans and downloadable material

What is Weather - Study.com