Dartmouth Middle School
School Counselors' Corner
Mrs. Kenny
Welcome to Dartmouth! This will be my 13th year at DMS and 30th year in education. I was born and raised on the East coast (NJ) and moved to California in 2006. I started in education as a Health and PE teacher. It was through my teaching and coaching experiences that helped become a counselor. I enjoy working with students and helping them achieve their goals.
Mrs. Serrato
Hello everyone, this year will be my 7th year at Dartmouth in the counseling department. I was born and raised in Riverside County. I graduated from UCR with a bachelors in Psychology and Azusa Pacific University with a Master in Educational and Clinical Counseling. Prior to working at Dartmouth, I worked as a Guest teacher for 2 years. My passion has always been to help those around me and becoming a counselor has allowed me to help students and their families.

Schedule Changes/Cambio de clases
Schedule Change Request Google Form
PLEASE READ: All information on the schedule change request form prior to submitting request.
Please note: Schedule change requests will prioritize newly enrolled students and correcting errors during the first 2 weeks of school. A schedule change request may be submitted after the first 2 weeks. Submittal of a schedule change request does not guarantee that the change will be made.
Al comenzar el año escolar 2024-2025, es importante comprender que nuestra primera prioridad es desarrollar horarios para los estudiantes recién inscritos. Durante las primeras 2 semanas de clases, los cambios de horario se centrarán en corregir los horarios de los estudiantes si faltan a una clase o están colocados incorrectamente (nivel de grado incorrecto, etc.)
Si gusta pedir un cambio de clases, se puede completar la forma siguinte.