
Entry/Dismissal: In the morning, students should be lined up at our designated Panther Paw on the blacktop by the second bell at 8:45. Our Panther Paw is located outside of door 8. Students are dismissed at 3:05 from door 8.

Homework: Students will receive homework every Tuesday, which is to be handed in the following Monday. Homework may consist of reading comprehension, writing, and math practice. DreamBox and Raz-Kids are also a part of the homework program.

Please encourage your child to read every day. Keep in mind, this does not always mean reading a book. For example: recipes, food labels, instructions, comics, maps, etc. Grade 3 students should be reading at least 15 minutes/night. Please feel free to check out HDSB's Homework Help, Guidelines and Tools for additional support.

Indoor Shoes: Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes to help keep our classroom clean and tidy.

Reusable Water Bottle: Please send your child to school with a reusable water bottle.

Physical Education: Students are required to change and have running shoes for Physical Education. Students have Phys Ed every Tuesday and Friday.

Library: TBD