Centennial P.S.

Learning Commons

Untitled presentation

Inquiry Process

Le processus d'enquête

The Learning Commons is founded in the principles of the Inquiry-based learning model. In this model, staff and student enter the learning journey together and build off of the unique skills that learners bring to the activity. Click on the images to be directed the HDSB Inquiry Model.

learning Commons News

This document will contain news updates for the Learning Commons space. Newest items will appear at the top.

Learning Commons News

Loan Periods and Checkout Limits

Book items can be checked out for 14 days. A maximum of 5 items can be checked out at a time.

Renewing Library Items

If you need to borrow items longer than the 14 day loan period, please see the Library staff at your school. As long as other borrowers are not waiting to borrow them, items can be renewed for you.

Lost Item Replacement Costs

Items not returned to the library on or before the assigned due date are considered overdue. An item that is overdue for 90 days will revert to “Lost”, and a replacement cost for the item will be assigned. Replacement costs vary depending on the item. If a lost item that has been paid for is found within the school year, reimbursement for the payment will be made.