Using Your Android

Android Adding Apps.mp4

Apps to Add to Your Device

  1. Go the Google Play store

  2. Download the following apps: Google Drive, Google Classroom, Google Meet, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and any others teachers are using

Android Add to Drive.mp4

Uploading Files to Google Drive

  1. Open the Drive app on your device

  2. Click on the "+" button in the bottom right hand corner

  3. Choose "Upload" to add an existing image, video or file

  4. Choose "Scan" to take a picture or video for upload

Android Google Classroom.mp4

Using Google Classroom

  1. Open the Google Classroom app on your device

  2. Click on the class

  3. Select the assignment from the "Stream" or the "Classwork" page

  4. Click "View Assignment" in bottom left hand corner

  5. Either edit the attached file or click "Add Attachment" to create or upload your work

Android DocSlideSheet.mp4

Using Docs, Slides, Sheets

  1. Open the Docs, Sheets or Slides app on your device

  2. Use the "+" button to create a new document, sheet or slide show or open an existing document and begin editing

  3. Click the check mark in the upper left hand corner when finsihed editing

  4. All files save to drive

Android Meet.mp4

Using Hangouts Meet

  1. To join a session, click the link provided by your teacher

  2. Select "Join Now"

  3. Use proper etiquette during the virutal lesson (Hangout Meet)

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Adding Portal Shortcut

  1. Open Safari (this will not work in Google Chrome)

  2. Go to

  3. Click the menu button(3 little dots in upper right hand corner)

  4. Click "Add to Homescreen"