Central Registration Office

Hamburg Administration Building, Second Floor

5305 Abbott Road, Hamburg, NY  14075

(716)646-3200 ext. 7217


The Hamburg Central School District is pleased to welcome new resident students to our schools.   

Families new to the district should register their child/children as soon as possible.

Registration Update

Registration for the 2025-26 school year will open for:

PreK on December 2, 2024

Kindergarten on January 13, 2025

The PreK program for the 2025/2026 school year is open to children who will be four years old on or before Dec. 1, 2025PreK families who are interested in the full-day classroom will need to complete registration with the district by March 7th.  Placement in the full-day classroom is by digital lottery, which will be held in March of 2025Families will be notified by email of their placement in the full-day classroom or in a half-day session.

We encourage any families wishing to register a new student for the 2024/2025 school year to complete the Online Registration process outlined below. 


Things to know about online registration:

Central Registration.pdf


In order to complete the registration process and allow your child to begin attending the District’s schools as soon as possible, the following documentation and forms are required.

Student Birth Date Verification

The following student birth date verification is required for registration of students new to the District: 

If there are no records of the above, accepted documentation of the following must be in existence for two (2) or more years.

Proof of Residency

Two (2) of the following documents showing proof of residency is required for registration:

If above are not available, the District may consider the following documentation and/or information, including but not limited to:


New York State law requires a health examination for all students entering the school district for the first time.  A dental certificate which states your child has been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist is also asked for at the same time.

Every student entering or attending school is required to provide proof of immunization in accordance with the provisions of Public Health Law 2164.  

For more information please select Student Immunization and Physical Examination Requirements below:  

AlternaTE Site Transportation Form

Anyone requesting transportation to a site other than the student’s legal residence, within Hamburg Central School District boundaries, must fill out an Alternate Site Application for Transportation. This application can be found in the Form Library of your Operoo account

Free & Reduced Lunch Information

Information on Hamburg Central School District’s Food and Nutrition Services can be found at www.HamburgChildNutrition.com or by calling (716) 646-3250 ext. 5005

Non-Public School Registration

All district students need to be registered with the district, whether they attend one of our public schools or are placed in a school of your choice.  Students who require transportation to non-public school also need to complete a Transportation Form. 

 Contact Central Registration (716) 646-3200 ext. 7217 for registration information.  

Change of Address

For current residents of the district who have moved within the district: