Distance Learning Help for Parents

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Think about things your child really enjoys and finds rewarding or motivating. What are a few of your child’s favorite activities?

  1. Keep in mind your child’s strengths and interests. Set aside time to spend with your child when they are engaged in activities that matter to them.

  1. Establish clear expectations at home. Keep your “house rules” similar to school expectations. The key is to be fair and age appropriate when you reinforce the expectations.

  1. Create routines for your family. Organize the day so your child knows what is happening. Be clear about changes or new events like doctors appointments or visitors. Give your child a helpful transition warning to let them know what is coming next. Utilize the PBIS Home Matrix work sheet.

  1. Anticipate challenges and plan accordingly. Preventing challenging behavior is easier than addressing it in the moment. Know what things or times of day trigger your child to engage in challenging behavior. Choose activities where your child will experience success.

  1. Try to be consistent and know how you are going to react. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

  1. Model the behavior you want your child to learn.

  1. Communicate clearly what behavior you want your child to demonstrate. Phrase directions in the positive, telling your child what you want them to do, not what you don’t want them to.

  1. Talk about feelings and use visuals to help your child understand. Tell them you understand how they feel.

  1. Look behind the behavior and see what you child may be trying to tell you. Try to remember that however a child is behaving, the child is doing the best he or she can at that moment in time.

  1. Use positive reinforcement often. Genuine, specific praise has a powerful effect on your children’s behavior. This includes their efforts to work hard at following your directions and any small steps in the right direction.