Drama Rocks!

Congratulations to the cast of the spring play! First rehearsal is Thursday from 3-4pm!

Kelly - Devin Dunham

Bethan - Sofie Ruzich

Mrs. Wiggan - Yonna Jenkins

Lexi - Lila Beck

Clara - Megan Lyrene

Katherine - Cassidy Bowen

Lucille/Lucas - Christian Rosas

Emily - Liv Cone

Paulina - Brielle Thompson

Nick - Austin Frazier

Ian - Isaac Hendrik

Parker - Bennett Spray

Timothy - Ryder Pond

Apps we use in class:



Google Classroom

Google Docs


Responsibility =

Be on time.

Work well with each other.

Manners =

Respect the teacher.

Respect the classroom.

Respect each other.

Spirit =

Have fun!!