AEP at College Level

🙋 AEP caters to students who ...

  • Are keen to experience a formal art curriculum offering depth, structure and personalisation, as opposed to more casual learning paths.

  • Are keen to develop unique skill sets and thinking patterns, and strengthen their creative and critical thinking.

  • See themselves going into art and design-related future pathways.

  • Do not see themselves going into such pathways, but ...
    Recognise the
    broad benefits of art education for future success within modern economies that value innovation and cross-cultural knowledge.

  • Recognise that AEP adds to a holistic academic profile that is highly unique among their peers.

📘 Curriculum

  • AEP students read both H2 Art and H3 Art, comprising the following papers:

    1. Coursework (studio practice, H2 level)

    2. Study of Visual Arts (art criticism and writing, H2 level)

    3. Theory of Art* (art criticism and writing, H3 level)

  • 6.5 hours of curriculum time per week (inclusive of H3 Art lessons in JC2)

  • Opportunities to take part in combined AEP schools' workshop, exhibition and other learning experiences.

*H3 syllabuses are offered to students who possess strong interest and aptitude in particular subjects. All AEP students will be enrolled in H3 Art by default to allow greater depth of study within the special programme. Only under certain conditions however, AEP students have the option NOT to proceed with H3 Art after JC1, on a case-by-case basis.

✅ Requirements

  • Interested students will be assessed for their overall suitability based on:

    1. Art and/or design portfolio (digital), demonstrating advanced proficiency in at least one artistic medium and good fundamental skills overall.

    2. Portfolio interview, giving context to the student's portfolio and an opportunity for them to demonstrate positive qualities which may not be evident in the portfolio.

  • Students who have not taken Art at secondary level are eligible to apply and can be admitted based on the same requirements.

🔎 Other Information

Offering H1 Art

  • The syllabus, comprising the Study of Visual Arts paper only (art criticism and writing), may be offered if there is sufficient demand.

  • Interested students may be asked to complete a short writing task before admission.

  • H1 Art students are not admitted into the AEP, and will not be eligible for H3 Art.

Limitations on AEP subject combinations

  • In general, students are advised not to take more than one subject with a coursework/independent study component.

  • It is possible to take AEP with these other special programmes:

    1. Computing Talent Programme (CTP)

    2. Humanities Programme (HP)

  • It is not possible to take AEP with these other special programmes due to timetabling clashes:

    1. Bicultural Studies Programme (BSP)

    2. Language Elective Programme (Chinese) (CLEP)

    3. Science & Maths Talent Programme (SMTP)

However, it is still possible to take AEP with these programmes' affliated subjects, i.e. China Studies in Chinese (CSC), Chinese Language & Literature (CLL), Maths and the Sciences.

Standard subject combination requirements

  • Students must offer at least 4 content based subjects, 3 of which have to be at H2 level. The norm for most JC students is to offer 3 H2 and 1 H1 content based subjects. At least one of the content based subjects must be of a contrasting discipline.

  • A contrasting subject is a content based subject taken outside a student’s main area of specialisation. The contrasting subject that all students are required to take can be offered at H1 or H2 level. The subject KI is a contrasting subject for both the Humanities & Arts, and Mathematics & Science. E.g. students doing 3 H2 Math/Science subjects could offer H1 History as a contrasting subject.

  • All students must also offer GP, PW and MTL at H1 level. Students may offer KI in lieu of GP.

  • Students are allowed to take a maximum of 2 H3 subjects. Other than selected H3 research modules which are conducted from Term 2 of JC1, the other H3 subjects are taught in JC2. Students will be informed of the H3 application process after their JC1 Promotional Examination.

🌐 Useful Links