The Red Bank Way

Your K-12 Solution!

Your Red Bank Schools offer consistency in academic approaches through:

Engaging Instruction:

All three schools deliver instruction through Student Engagments Modules designed by teachers.

Celebrations of student learning

Families and comunity members will be invited to join as we celebrate student learning at different times during the year. please watch for announcements and make plans to attend!

Quarterly thematic focus

Each school will focus instruction on one of four themes throughout the school year. These will continue to build as students

One to one technology

All students in RB school are provided a personal electronic device. These devices allow for creativity, collaboration, and engagement in teaching and learning.

Steam labs and courses

Each school has a deep focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. This includes a Forest Kindergarten program at RBES and a VW eLab at RBMS and RBHS.


RB schools value the imput and involvement of all community members and we see oursleves as a hub in the community.