Welcome to the Harrisburg School District!
We now offer multiple options for student registration.
You can use our new Online Registration option to complete your student registration packet online.
You can stop by the Harrisburg School District Enrollment Center, located at Camp Curtin Academy door number 4, where registration packets can be picked up in-person. (2900 N 6th St, Harrisburg, PA 17110)
What do I do when I have completed my online registration or registration packet?
A member of the Student Services Department will contact you regarding the submitted registration and anticipated start date.
For questions, email: enroll@hbgsd.us or call us at (717) 703-4008.
What should I do if I am interested in a virtual learning opportunity such as the Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy?
You must first complete the Student Registration process to enroll your student into the Harrisburg School District.
While speaking with the registrar during your appointment, please let them know that you may be interested in an online learning option.
For more information about Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy, contact: (717) 703-4364 or hvla@hbgsd.us.