Troy Howard PTG

Serving the community of Troy Howard Middle School in Belfast, Maine.

Welcome to the Troy Howard Middle School Parent/Teacher Group (PTG) website. The PTG is a group of parents, caregivers, and faculty that work with the school to support the educational experience of our students. We do that through financial and volunteer support of educational, social, and community events.

This purpose of this website is to keep the THMS community updated about events, fundraisers, and opportunities we all have to support our students, teachers, and staff. We've also put together some how-to information for parents and caregivers – middle school is a unique experience for everyone!

We invite you attend a PTG meeting to learn more and find out ways you can be involved in the life of the school. Meetings are typically held the first Thursday of the month at 4:15p in the school art room. If you can't volunteer in person, we welcome you to make a donation at any time.

Please check this website and the school's Google calendar for meeting dates and/or changes and for announcements and reminders about school and PTG sponsored events.

We hope to see you this year. Thank you!