16 -18 March 2022
Structure and Deformation at Plate Boundaries
in Honolulu, HI and Virtually
An NSF GeoPRISMS workshop focused on the relationship between structure and deformation at rifts and subduction zones.
About This Workshop
The relationship between structure and deformation at plate boundaries is fundamental to our understanding of the Earth's tectonic system. At this workshop, we aimed to connect scientists from a variety of research disciplines, including geology, geodynamic modeling, geochemistry, geomorphology, geodesy, magnetotellurics, seismology, and more. We provided a forum for interdisciplinary discussion that cross-cuts GeoPRISMS focus sites. Specific topics of interest included the role of crustal and mantle rheology in influencing or recording deformation, fault zone rheology and slip behavior, and relationships between tectonic deformation and surface processes.
Our goals for this workshop included: (1) showcasing recent GeoPRISMS research that has advanced our understanding of plate boundary structure and deformation; (2) facilitating the formation of new, interdisciplinary collaborations, particularly for early career scientists; and (3) promoting best practices for the archiving of data and educational materials. The format of the workshop included keynote talks, lightning talks, posters, and discussion sessions on March 17 and 18, preceded by a half day early-career forum on March 16. Legacy information and summary materials from the workshop are archived on this website under Post-Workshop.