GES100 Infographics


Students in the Global Environmental Sciences program take a 1 credit course, GES100, early in their academic pathway. This course introduces students to research through a series of lab visits and faculty seminars in the first half of course. The second half of the course is guided by a Hamilton SciTech librarian, who teaches the students how to search for information and create a science infographic on a topic related to GES. This collaboration between the GES program and the Library serves as a foundation for future research projects that the GES students will undertake, including their GES thesis.

The Infographic Project

Infographics are used as a collaborative, research focused project to allow undergraduates to experience a microcosm of the research process within the compressed timeframe of a 1 semester, 1 credit class. Students choose a topic, search for information and visualizations related to it, craft a narrative for a particular audience, orally present their work in class and then publish it in our University Institutional Repository: ScholarSpace. The students are taught to follow best infographic best practices on 1) presenting data effectively and truthfully 2) visual design and readability 3) telling a compelling story. Here is one example from this year, others can be found in themed pages through the menu above or links at the bottom of the page. Each infographic has the ScholarSpace link to the record below it.

This Exhibit

Normally, the GES100 posters would be printed and displayed in the Hamilton Library Addition, in front of the SciTech Reference Desk. This year, you can see a selection of the work of the GES students virtually on the next tabs, along with a selection of books from our library collection in each topic area below the infographics. If you want more information on infographic design, you can find the books below in our library. You can find all of our infographics in our ScholarSpace GES Community.

Library Resources: Infographics